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Description and photographs of equipment that can be borrowed from the library.

What is a Collaboration Station?

The library has 4 collaboration stations that were funded by an LSTA minigrant awarded by the State Library of Ohio. Each station includes a large TV screen connected to a computer using the attached HDMI cable. A wireless mouse and keyboard can be borrowed from the front circulation desk to use the connected computer, or you can bring your own device and borrow cables to connect it to the TV screen. Two of these collaboration stations are available on a first-come, first-served basis on the main floor of the library along the front windows. The other two stations are on the third floor in rooms 324 and 310 and may be reserved using our study room reservation system.

Collaboration Station Accessories

USB-C to HDMI Adaptor (Macs):

This adaptor adds an HDMI and USB-A port by connecting to a USB-C port (typically on a MacBook). Connect to external displays at Collaboration Stations by borrowing this adaptor plus an HDMI cable.

Wireless Mouse and Keyboard:

Make sure you borrow the set with the number that corresponds to the number for the Collaboration Station you are using (1, 2, 3, or 4).