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Library Quest

Solve the final trivia question by collecting clues throughout the library.


The librarians have set up an activity to introduce first year students to some of the services and resources available in Thomas Library. One of the outcomes of FYS is to "locate, critically assess, and ethically use informational sources." Familiarity with the library building and the service desks where students can ask for guidance can help lay the groundwork to progressing toward this outcome. We created another activity for FYS that focuses on evaluating sources that you may also adopt.

We have designed this Library Quest to be easily run by you or your peer mentor. All you need to do is get them started with their first clue, which will lead them to the next QR code with another clue. They will know they are finished when they have found 12 letters and written them on their worksheet. Your students should be able to complete it within about 45 minutes. If they provide us with feedback using the final QR code on the worksheet provided, they can pick up a free gift at the Circulation Desk.


  1. Print one Thomas Library Quest Worksheet (see box to the left) for each group.
  2. Divide class into 4 groups. Each group needs to have at least one mobile device capable of scanning QR codes and a worksheet.
  3. Each group will start at a different clue.
  4. When the group has filled up their letter bank, they are done finding clues and are ready to unscramble the answer to the question at the bottom of their worksheet.
  5. Each person is invited to scan the QR code at the bottom of the worksheet to fill out our one question feedback form to get a free gift from the Circulation Desk.

Library Quest Clues

Your students will follow QR codes through the library. Each QR code will include one of the following clues.

  1. You're feeling stressed about an upcoming exam. Where in the library can you take a break to re-center yourself through meditation or prayer?
  2. You need space for a group of 10 to study together for an upcoming exam. What space can you book on the third floor of the library?
  3. You need to find Time Magazine's report on the "The Moon" for an assignment. Locate Time Vol. 94, then flip to the issue published on July 25, 1969. Add the first letter of the third word on page 11 to your letter bank.
  4. Your computer battery died, but you need to print a paper that's due in an hour! Where on the library's main floor can you find a computer to send a print job?
  5. Use Volume 116 of Contemporary Black Biography in the Reference section. Look on page 86 and add the first letter of the last name of the person in the photo to your letter bank.
  6. Your group needs to take a break from studying. Find our game collection and puzzle station near the main entrance.
  7. Where in the library can you go to checkout dry erase markers, get help finding credible sources, or ask questions about your library account?
  8. You have an appointment with your Success Advisor. Where in the library should you go to check in?
  9. You'd like to brainstorm some ideas for a paper or talk through a draft with a reader. Where can you go to find a writing advisor?
  10. You want to setup the uniFLOW printing app on your phone. Where in the library can you go for help?
  11. You heard about an awesome novel on BookTok, but cannot find a copy in our library so you request it with your Clark County Public Library card. Where can you find the CCPL vending machine to pick it up?
  12. Find the book Stories of Sports with the call number GV742 .S86 2021 in the Main Stacks on the third (top) floor.