
Fake News

Fake News, Misinformation, Disinformation, Deep Fakes

Steps to Take

Remember some of these key points to ask yourself when faced with a questionable article or news site. Who is the author/creator? What are their sources? How old is the article? Etc.

International Federation of Library Associations. (10 February 2021). https://www.ifla.org/publications

Media Bias Chart

The Media Bias chart is a quick reference chart that can help you determine the reliability of popular news sources. Note that news sites like Fox News (Right) and MSNBC (Left) are Hyper-Partisan, which means they are news sources that are biased in favor of one political party. Hyper-Partisan sites are often in fierce disagreement and purposely distribute news to discredit one another.  

Click on the chart for an interactive version with more sources. 

Ad Fontes Media. (2021).  www.adfontesmedia.com/


Take the CRAAP test to determine if information is credible. You do not have to consider every single question on the test; however, if you find that you are skeptical about certain aspects (i.e. you can not find the author or the information is outdated) then it is possible the source might be CRAAP. 

The CRAAP test was created by the Meriam Library at California State University https://library.csuchico.edu/help/source-or-information-good